Seek and find!

Look who is currently the number two most searched item on Yahoo! right now!


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  • Cool

    Only if her music gets tons of buzz from the curious public, though still better than nothing.

  • That great New’s Way to go Deb!!!

  • So glad to see Deb has gotten on Yahoo’s Top search today! Deb is back on TOP!!!

  • That is amazing. My feeling is that things like this IS what is going to get Deborah relevant again. Viral videos. Funny, off the wall, cheesy, crazy, etc videos that leave you wanting to forward them to your friends. By getting people searching for Deb will get people to find her music, and when they find her music and he new anticipated stuff coming out, THAT is what will get Deborah back to the masses. Mark my words. It’s happening!

    Now Deb, call up Will Farrell, get in one of his funny or videos!!!


  • Noticed a few boards that have immature/ignorant comments. Also posted one thread about the movie at a nostalgia board, which I’m pretty much taken as a joke and also a reason why I’m a closet Deb fan.

    Maybe I just take her music too seriously, though I tend to question about several current celebrities and the media today, but I don’t laugh at people for liking emo or certain female pop singers.

  • I should’ve think before I post. Not ashamed or anything since I was actually indifferent when I first heard about the film, but suprised that it’s that popular. Some might give her music a chance…

  • great too see you on in the top searches tired of seeing Britney and Kate and same old ones .

    you go girl

  • and another thing is alteast people are searching and reading your site or twitter.