Blog: Thank you everyone…

Hi everyone……

Thank you for the outpouring of love and support for my dog Daisy today. Sadly, she passed this morning. Obviously I am extremely upset and saddened. It has been a really hard day.

I can say that the bright side is that she only had one night of suffering. Just a few days ago she was trotting around the recording studio and was the center of attention. 2 days ago my Mom said “how’s Daisy been?” And, I said “Man – she’s a trooper! Just happy to be out and about with me, tail wagging……you’d never know she has a heart problem”
She always got tons of love everywhere she went. People thought she was a puppy even thought she wouldve been 11 in September. Everyone spoke of what a sweet dog she was. I am so thankful I was in town and able to be with her. She knew I was there and went so peacefully. It was time – that was one hundred percent clear.

For those who wrote in from my camp – please know how much fun Daisy had with all of you this past year. Whether it was at my house or the recording studio, she was never without a lap to sit on or one of you to play with. Know that she truly is an angel now and she is with Rosie who passed last summer. Those two were quite a pair! Sibling rivals!

The best thing you can do for me, for Daisy, and for yourselves is to remember how much fun she was to have around! We are all lucky to have had so many great times with her! She relieved a lot of stress and kept everyone’s spirits up.

The love and loss of a pet is deep. It hits you when you least expect it. They are the epitome of loyalty and forgiveness. They never ask why you got home late, they’re only happy to see you. So, for anyone who has a pet – enjoy every moment and learn from their unconditional love.

I am sad tonight but, I am also celebrating Daisy’s life and I am so thankful that she somehow found me and that I had the honor of being her owner. People would say “she’s so good” and I’d say “I can’t say thank you for that cuz I have nothing to do with it. I just lucked out!”

She was truly my little buddy – in the car, my local coffee place, the studio……… I will miss hanging out with her. She was great company and a great friend! But, I have a feeling she’s hangin’ around as I write this as she was never more than two feet away from me! If I woke up to walk somewhere in the house she’d wake up from a sound sleep and follow me.

I’ve always joked that her goal in life was “to be a good dog”. She definitely accomplished that! I am so lucky to have had her in my life.

You cannot fully prepare, but I did know this was coming at some point soon after she was diagnosed with an enlarged heart. It wasn’t a total shock and, again – she didn’t have a prolonged period of pain and fear and suffering that many animals and humans face. I am so thankful for that. Her quality of life was great til the very end.

Again – thank you all for your concern, sympathy, and love……

Say a prayer for Daisy tonight because a spirit cannot be born and cannot die. She’s everywhere now so tell her how much you love her!

Thank you everyone….. G’nite



There are 67 comments on Blog: Thank you everyone…

  • Hi Deb,

    I read it with tears in mine eyes. I know what it is to lose are very special friend. I can’t take the pain away but i think of you. She have a sweatfull life with you keep that always in youre mind.

    Take care with this lost.

    Big hug

  • Thanks for the note Deborah, I’m sure it’s true that Daisy had a blast w/ all the kids @ camp !!! Giant hug 2 u !!!

  • Please accept my deepest sympathy on your loss. My dogs are members of my family just as the human family members are. I was tearing up as I was reading your blog, and thinking of Molly who we lost a few months ago. I agree, Daisy looked like a puppy and I’m glad that you got to share 11 years with her. Glad you could be there to share her final moments. Take care of yourself, God bless.


  • Deborah ~ I am so sorry for your loss of your beloved friend. Reading your letter brought tears to my eyes and made my heart ache. I too know how hard it is to lose a pet. This past November we had to make a choice that broke my heart. Our Basset hound Sadie also had an enlarged heart and a mass in her stomach. Instead of making her suffer, my mom and I decided to have her put down. We held her in our arms as she went to sleep. She would have been 14 today. I miss her big floppy ears, seeing her sleeping under a tree in the yard, and how she loved to ride in the car and go for a creemee (soft serve ice cream). I swear that dog knew where every stand in Vermont was and would cry unless you stopped and got her one. Most of all I miss the joy she brought to my life. May you always remember the love and joy Daisy brought you…..Who knows maybe Daisy and Sadie are in doggy Heaven relaxing in the sun together.

    Take care, and God Bless.

  • As someone who animal sits for various friends, I could not begin to tell you how quickly one can get attached to a pet. I think it is probably because dogs (and sometimes cats) can be supply you with the unconditional love that you sometimes can not get from another human being. This couple, who’s dog I would watch many times a year when they travel had become such a companion to me, that I can not begin to tell you the loss I have felt when they had to put her to sleep. It’s just that pets are family members too. It’s the same type of loss when you love someone – person or pet.

  • HI Deb

    Sorry to hear about Daisy.

    I understand how you feel as my own dog collapsed 3 weeks ago and we had to relieve the pain and let her go. Like life we all have the rear view mirror that we can look back and remember the happy times.Forever in the mind always in the heart

    Love and hugs


  • I am SOOOOO sorry u lost Daisy, my heart goes out to you 🙁 I lost my cat last June and I had her for 15yrs, she was like a real child. She had so much love for me and I also did for her, she taught me so much. I thought I’d have to be admitted to a mental institution if anything ever happened to her, but seeing her in so much pain at the end made it easier for me to let go. Its been 10 months now and I still cry for her, I miss her so bad. We don’t even know what was wrong with her 🙁 I miss my baby so much and I know u miss yours. I know how u must be feeling and I hope your heart heals soon, you will be with her again someday! LOL I have even started a blog for her, it gives me a place to write to her when I need to tell her something and it makes me feel alot better too. sending you HUGS.

  • So sorry to hear about the loss of Daisy–hope you find peace in remembering the joy she brought you and others. -Jean

  • Love Never Dies. Hang in there, Debb. Much Love.

  • I am so sorry you lost your fur-baby, Deborah. I know how hard that is. I lost two kitties, one was 16 when she went and one was 18. I still miss them both!

  • Hi Deborah,

    I’m sorry to hear about Daisy. She was a lucky dog.

    Last year, in an OK! interview, you told me about life with your pets. “I break all the rules and let them sleep on the bed. That’s how I spoil them. They run my house.”

    I’m sure you are hurting right now, but be comforted in knowing she had a great life and loved you very much.

    God bless.


  • Deb,

    I’m so sorry about the loss of your beloved dog. I know how very hard it is to lose an animal that you are close to. It truly is heartbreaking, but remember that the love that you shared will NEVER die as long as you keep it with you in your heart.You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!


  • sorry to hear this. it is indeed a sad day when you lose a pet. they really are part of the family.

  • Hang in there Deb, I thought I was going to have to put down my 14 yr old “Mikey”. He was so sick for 2 days and I was a complete mess, crying all the time, even at work. Luckily he started feeling better and now I cherish every moment I have with him.

  • Deb,

    I lost my dearest friend a little over a year ago and still it hurts me now. I understand the pain and sorrow that comes with losing, not a pet, but a friend, a confidant, a family member. When he died (12 years old), I felt lost and incompete and alone. I have blessed to not have known a family members death, until now. The one thing that makes you go on is knowing they are happy elsewhere and watching us as we live our lives. They are always there, I have to believe that. All the best to you.


  • I came upon your blog and saw this post about your beloved Daisy…

    What a coincidence since just over two months ago we had to put one of our dogs down, and her name was Daisy as well….

    Its sad when you lose a loved one, yes including a pet…so know that you’re being thought of….and of course Daisy, too.


  • Hi Deborah,

    Sorry for your lost! I have 3 cats and I know what it is when you lost a beloved animal. You letter for Daisy is beautiful.It’s a hymn “à l’amour” inconditionnel!

    Take care!
