Blog: A quick hi from New York

Hey everyone!

Whew! The big premiere happened last night and I cannot tell you how surreal it was to
A- Work the red carpet w/Tiffany! Whatta trip!
B- See myself on a huge movie screen
C- See myself battling huge critters and doing stunts
D- Wearing a fab dress sent over personally by Christian Siriano!
The eve was amaaazing!

And – SyFy spared no expense in flying in iconic 80’s stars

The biggest surprise was probably how amazingly nice Dustin Diamond was. So nice and “normal”. Loved meeting him.

And, Alan Thicke? Come on!

And, my pals, Julie M, Julie B, and Taylor D….

It was so awesome having friends and fam there sharing in the MEGA excitement!

Mary Lambert did the most amazing job of creating the campiest movie of our time. I sware. You will be reciting lines like “We need bigger gators” for years to come!

Thanx to all for coming out to Canal room and to the film. Tiffany and I truly are enjoying this new found sisterhood. More to come? Who knows. Stay tuned!!!

Mega Love!



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