Blog: Celebrity Apprentice Week 5 Post-Show

Hey Everyone! Wow! After a couple of trips to the Midwest in the last week and a half and lotsa press stuff and being under the weather and tuning in and tweeting thru Sunday nights episode I’m just coming up for air! Ok! Sooo, I will start by saying thank you to all of you for your support and candor! When true fans write me with constructive criticism or candid thoughts I love it! When haters start tweeting pot shots or obscene or rude things repeatedly I’ve decided to block them. It serves me no purpose to read this sort of thing. I’m well aware I’m not loved by all and that’s fine! I stand by what went on on the show and will break it down further now…


When I signed on to be PM I was surprised at how nervous I was! I also soon realized that not all the gals were happy. It’s funny that everyone thinks creating the concept is the golden egg! The prized role! Truthfully – I did not even partake in creating the concept all that much! Instead, I listened for ideas and ran with what I thought was best. As you could see by Don Jr’s reaction, we were behind and at some point decisions had to be made.


The girls were divided into two groups and had to be per the rules. I’m not sure if that was clear or not. Tia, Dayana, and Teresa came up with an idea to do photographs of themselves in the car to project on the screen. I took that as a good idea and asked them to go ahead to start that before I arrived for the test drive. The test drive was funny! Of course with no cars on the road and an obstacle course made of rubber cones I was gonna have some fun testing the limits of the car! I’m not a crazy driver! Lol.


Most of what went on in the hours that followed was accurately relayed in my previous post! I knew Aubrey didn’t love me, though I didn’t know just how many rude one-liners she said during the process. That energy, in watching on tv, could’ve been better channeled into helping with the actual task. I’ve since forgiven her and we shall leave it at that!


The singing stuff… Did no one realize that : A) when you use music on TV you must get it “cleared”. I wrote my songs so I can easily clear then B) I wanted to demo the voice activated radio feature. Why not use one of my songs? C) singing in the car was making FUN of myself as Lisa was griping about being stuck with me and simultaneously demo-ing the soundproofing D) when I said “THE Debbie Gibson” as the camera showed me, you woulda seen how very tongue in cheek that was. I of all people (my friends know this) NEVER expect anyone to know me, or my music. If they do it is a lovely surprise.


Ok! Sooo… I felt bad you didn’t get to see how Patricia and Dayana did on the graphics and tech side. Dayana dove in headfirst and pulled it off fantastically well! Tia was given HUGE responsibility to learn the facts for the QnA. Why? Because I think she is smart and focused. I was spinning and could not concentrate. She could cover us all if we forgot something. Glamorous? Maybe not. Impt? Yes!


Teresa also had facts to learn and her monologue to contribute to as well as family to coordinate and she also had crafty Buick pins made for us all. The only reason I was nervous about Teresa’s performance was because she never ran it through correctly in rehearsal. I’d never seen it top to bottom. Of course you didn’t see us rehearsing with her in the mobile dressing room and nurturing her. THAT got cut!


In the boardroom… Lisa was honest. That’s cool! I WAS good, not great as a PM. I stand by what I said about Teresa. She had not, up until this point, expressed creative ideas in a clear and concise manor. I could tell there was creativity in there but she very much shrunk back. When an idea did come out, it wasn’t necessarily the one I wanted to use. I repeat – nor were my own!!!!!


The thing that saddened me most is that what I said to her in the warroom was true and sincere. I had told all my fam and friends how nice she was, what a great mom she is, and that she is nothing like how the tabloids portrayed. What ended up being the thing I did not like was just what you saw…. That she confused how I viewed her professionally and what her role should be in the task, with how I viewed her as a person. That saddened me. Look. Lisa may not hire me to run her business, but we can go out for coffee! The thought that was “strategizing against her” which if she didn’t say this time she does in the future… is false.


I went to bed at night not thinking of anyone. I cleared my head and spoke candidly and in the moment in the boardroom Adam and the gang were awesome. No team ever did poorly in any task. Someone has to win and someone lose. For many reasons or none at all, this time it was me. But not me… Children International who benefitted greatly from the 50k! I was so thankful that with all the stress that happened! I’d rather have Housewife fans hating me and children not starving then be loved by all. THAT is why I was here and I’m so grateful to Buick and Donald Trump and Mark Burnett for giving that money to these folks who really need it!


Next week sees me taking a position of not agreeing with the concept and having to take my orders from the PM so…the tables are turned! Enjoy!


X Deb


PS – It is back to Debbie professionally and I laughed every time Trump said Deborah. Very parental!!!
