Chuck Taylor flashback

Click here to read Chuck Taylor’s stroll down memory lane with Deborah.


There are 4 comments on Chuck Taylor flashback

  • Saw the same block too! “Electric Youth” aired on the New Years songs A to Z marathon, though sans intro.

    MTV banned it on “25 Lame”, though one of Deb’s vids may randomly appear on “AM MTV”, which 80’s videos have appeared like George Michael, Bobby Brown, a-ha, Peter Gabriel, Billy Idol, etc. 😀

    Agree that Deb is pure pop perfection!!!

    Ironically, I became a fan during the TRL era (born in mid ’80’s), which I’m not fond of certain pop princesses (no names).

  • (BTW, I don’t agree on MTV, though not fond the of the channel with the exception of “AM MTV”, which probably would only last a quick second)

    Sorry if I appear annoying…

  • Deborah look’s very good in this picture.

  • Almost 3 days without a Twit, hope everything is great in Debland.