Nerves. When Deborah Gibson was first on the Fruit Salad Show back in November 2007, she made me cry. I can honestly say that Deb (yeah, I can call her that now) was my childhood idol. I always knew I wanted to be an entertainer, and when I watched her she made me feel like my dream was attainable. I have had the pleasure of working closely with her lately on a benefit that will take place in Los Angeles on April 28 at La Boheme in West Hollywood with Eden Espinosa, Jonathan Knight from New Kids on the Block, Vivica Fox and so many other celebrities…ANYWAY, if it is at all possible, I am even more of a fan of hers now.
Not only is Deb an extraordinary talent, but she is a humanitarian and a truly sweet and nice person and a hard worker. Come to the Electric Youth Benefit YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED! Marky and I will be there. You can get tickets on Deb’s (maybe I’ll just start calling her Debbie, Debbie Gibson) website.
For the rest of this article and to hear Deborah’s call-in to their show, check out