#MusicMonday – The Canebrake

Hey music lovers!

I love when I discover an act that has not yet had exposure but truly deserves it. I was blown away upon hearing the music of The Canebrake. This first video is the duo themselves talking a bit about their future musical goals and giving a preview of their amazingly catchy original song “Little White Flag.” Take a look at this……….and then continue reading and watching.

My friend Ray introduced me to this brother sister act out of a small town called Markham, Texas and I LOVE IT!!! This song has always been original and timeless as proven here by THE CANEBRAKE’s take on it!
Angela’s voice is full and rich and both her and her brother Jonathan’s joy show in this performance and it proves that you do not hafta be from a big city or to have millions to shoot a video to get your musical message across! I love the way they change up the chords for added relevance and sophistication.  I also love the gender reversal on verse 2. They kept the integrity of the original but made it current and their own.
BRAVO!!!! I hope to see these two live really soon and I hope this song does great things for them!!!
Visit their Facebook page here.
