The Electric Scoop! Q&A With Deborah Gibson

Posted by: Hope on August 25th, 2009

Debbie Gibson. Just to hear that name will bring back fond memories. I was introduced to her music at the tender age of 8. She was the first concert I attended, first record I received, first female celebrity I idolized, even my first bottle of perfume. Many of us here at EGS were fans. We bought black fedoras. We wore her image on our hats, shirts, buttons and walls. Hell, we wanted to BE her. As we grew, so did the career of Debbie (or currently known as) Deborah Gibson. Even now, those ladies who are not fans of her brand of pop music, or that did not want to smell like Electric Youth, can find a way to appreciate her achievements to the music world. To this day, she holds the record for being the youngest female artist ever to write, produce, and perform a Billboard # 1 single.

While some may have thought that Deborah had dropped off the radar, it couldn’t be further from the truth. When she was not strutting her stuff on the London stage, she was doing everything from reality television appearances, philanthropy work, the club tour circuit, filming a full length feature and don’t miss her Burger King commercial. While I secretly hid my disappointment with Debbie’s recent radio silence, you can imagine my thrill to learn about MegaShark Vs. Giant Octopus. Released May 2009, the straight to DVD flick stars Deborah, and a giant CGI shark. Destined to be cult classic, the film will undeniably gain her a whole new fan base (in addition to her now aging female fans, and always loyal homosexual men). Gibson’s Oceanographer Emma MacNeil finds herself solving the predicament of how to catch Megalodon … while boning in a closet. This will surely attract the prepubescent nerd boys likely to write fan fiction about her character.

Whatever your reasons for being intrigued by her, Debbie is back. Just check out her answers to our inquiries. She opens up about getting naked, her continued support of NKOTB and her modifiable moniker. And while she did skirt the issue of what MegaShark himself was like on set, we are more than thrilled that she was able to take the time to give us her insight:

EGS – What was Megashark like on set?

DG – It was good fun! I was aware that it was going to be low budget, fast, and kitchy! Everyone was relaxed and laid back and having a great time! Having fun is a priority in my life!

EGS – That movie certainly isn’t up for any Golden Globes. In fact the sea of critics did not love any of you back. How does it feel to be in a movie that is critically repulsed, but easily on the way to becoming a cult classic?

DG – I don’t read a lot of press good or bad but – if a critic had a problem with the film then, so be it! It is what it is and makes no apologies for it! I love doing unique pop culture projects! It’s a half a year after release and I still have a full interview schedule for this film. It’s funny to me and I’m enjoying it!

EGS – What made you decide to pose in Playboy?

DG – I said “no” a number of times. I wasn’t comfortable with who I was and thought I’d never do it. I was 34 yrs old and the world and I had changed and it didn’t seem like such a big deal. It felt fun and creative and I also was well aware I was playing with people’s perception of me and breaking my own rules which was cool! I was thrilled with how it came out! I love Hef and that whole organization. They are so professional and great to work with!

EGS – You do a lot of work supporting Gay Pride. How did you come to be such a big idol for the gay community?

DG – The gay community supported me from the time my 1st single “Only in My Dreams” came out. I would play 3 clubs a night, 4 nights a week to promote that song. I’d end every night at the gay club! That audience was always my favorite. The love affair began there and continued through my theater work and has always been mutual!

EGS – What made you drop Debbie?

DG – She’s still here! (Ha!). Friends and family always called me Deborah. I actually dropped “Deborah” and went with “Debbie” which was very much a stage name. It is more relatable in pop music though, so I may confuse people further and go back to it!

EGS – I recently heard about the trend of pregnant women painting their bellies. Do you think your famous painted knee inspired this trend?

DG – Ha! Doubtful but, thanx!

EGS – What future projects do you have lined up?

DG – My main focus right now is my new music. But, there are other things brewing….. Also, doing work musically with kids through my “Electric Youth” camps and intensives and my foundation Gibson Girl Foundation have become passions of mine!

EGS – What is it like being on stage in London? Did musicals come easily for you because of training as an actress, or did the musicals lead into your wanting to do movies?

DG – I was JUST talking about how amazing my West End experience in Grease was today! It was top notch and the people in the show are lifelong friends! To me, performing is everything all the time – you act every time you deliver a song….it is all intertwined.

EGS – What music are you listening to these days? What inspires you?

DGJason Mraz, New Kids last album – it’s amazing, Black Eyed Peas…. Everything old and new inspires me. And, lately, taking some downtime inspires me because I’ve always been “go go go” and it’s hard for ideas and music to flow when you’re too busy.

EGS – Every girl’s secret is…

DG – ….. a secret, even to her!



There are 4 comments on The Electric Scoop! Q&A With Deborah Gibson

  • Listening to Black Eyed Peas… cool (though only like a few songs like “Let’s Get It Started”) 😀

  • What do you think about Lady GaGa? She’s only the hottest artist out there right now.

  • I saw a clip Fergie singing Deb’s songs in a variety show. Fergie was around 10 years old that time. Can’t recall the name of the show.

  • “Kids Incorperated”

    80’s one hit wonder Martika and actress Jennifer Love Hewitt were also on the show.