Blog: Already Gone – exclusive fan download

Hey everyone!

Thanx for the overwhelming excitement over the new song! This is a song I did with producer Fred Coury that I felt would be great to put out for you, the audience who is always right there for me. It is not the lead off to the new album (album will be forthcoming but, not sure when!), nor is it for sale to the public. It is simply my musical valentine to all of you!

A funny tidbit about the song…..when I wrote it I said “Man, this would be good for Kelly Clarkson!” And, she has a song with the same title on her new album! Must’ve been in the cosmos! Funny!

The song itself is about being in a relationship where one person is hanging on while trying to get the other person to be the bad guy and do the breaking up, even though both people know it’s for the best to say goodbye! It’s about being strong and taking the lead in a situation rather than staying in a bad situation. I’m sure we’ve all been there!

The video will be up on Wednesday…..

But, we wanted to get the song to you A.S.A.P……. So, ladies n gents – here it is….. The world premiere of “Already Gone” !!!!


X Deborah

** just click here or on the photo above to be taken to Deborah’s Official ReverbNation page where, once you are signed up (it’s free!) as a fan, you will have access to listen to and download the song exclusively for your ipod as well as be the first to receive exclusive Deborah news! Enjoy! (and be sure and let Deborah know in the comments below what you think of the tune!)

**UPDATE: we’ve also just added it to her official Myspace page for your listening pleasure. You may now add it to your myspace profile!


There are 80 comments on Blog: Already Gone – exclusive fan download

  • jason daniel hood on

    really liking ALREADY GONE…

    from the snippet you sang in the Hollywood Blvd. clip the other day i was preparing for ALREADY GONE to be a power ballad…


    here’s this rock/pop/country, heavy guitar JAM! wow!

  • Must have played this well over 100 times now.

    I think Deb sounds youthful in this song which is sure gonna cross over all genres from the young to the people like myself who remember her in the 80S and everyone in between still to discover the genius that is Miss Gibson

    As us Scottish would say ” Bloody Fantastic”

    On a different note

    Still remember Deb when she was on Win Lose Or Draw with the cast of Grease and Hosting was Shane Ritchie. I remember a different hat every day over the 5 days on the TV in the UK so beautiful and so Cool!!!


  • It has been stuck in my head all day too! Don’t they call that an earworm??

  • [quote]I think Deb sounds youthful in this song which is sure gonna cross over all genres from the young to the people like myself who remember her in the 80S and everyone in between still to discover the genius that is Miss Gibson[/quote]

    Though she has some young fans, many have yet discovered one of the greatest underrated artists from the past 20+ years

  • i cant stop listening to it!

  • (quote)Though she has some young fans, many have yet discovered one of the greatest underrated artists from the past 20+ years(quote)

    Totally. If you look at when Deb was performing MYOB at rock plaza there were loads of young kids with placards etc

    I think this album will need a mix of rock to dance to ballads to crossover from the UK to the states and the rest of Europe

    Whatever way a major record deal is the only way to really secure that elusive top 40 hit as there is so many back handed deals with record companies and radio stations to play their artists.

    Already Gone has that different factor for Deborah so this could give her the edge to get the radio airplay she so needs to have the hit


  • I discovered Deb as a young teen about a decade ago. 😀

    Ironically around the same time of the debut of a certain pop princess.

    On YouTube there’s some positive comments from teenagers/young adults.

  • can u post lyrics? anyone?

  • Debaine Gibrey on

    Well guys is it okay that i will promote this songs in he station here in the philippines. Hope Deb will allow cause the song is free right. Maybe i have plan to email the philippine stations to promote the song. Even isn’t have the official CD as long Debbie Gibson fans in the philippines will be happy. Guys post the lyrics of the songs. Ohhh Goshhhh!!! Iam imitating Debs voice. It’s very exciting.

  • Really like the song…. it’s no Naked or Let’s Run Away but a great “preview” of what’s to come for the new CD.

    I would also have to agree with the posts concerning the production quality of your vocal on this track (particularly on the chorus). Interestingly, I went back through some of my favorite songs of yours, and found that while I especially enjoy songs utilizing your lower register, some of favorites were songs written in keys just as high (or higher) than this one.

    I am truly ignorant of all that goes into producing songs… but I do know the “less pingy” your vocal delivery the easier it is (for me) to just lay back and enjoy the melodic and lyric quality you bring to your music – which has also made me a rabid fan for the past twenty plus years. (vocal production on the Deborah album I still find to be maybe my favorite of your entire songbook)

    p.s. love the new website and your seeming interest in being involved with it and your fans!

  • I have to say I’m not blown away with this song. I have for 20 plus (since high school) years loved the Deborah piano and rhythme work. I mean since she trained on piano with Morton who can do great Rachmaninoff pieces. I love classical Piano.
    I actually, of the later Deborah stuff, love “with all my heart”. With that said, this falls into the dance beat songs of early Deb. It cool, its neat. Its good! Please do a concert around Seattle so I can attend 🙂

  • “Already Gone”
    By: Deborah Gibson

    Don’t you know, I know that you cowardly
    cause it tryin’ but you can’t break up with me
    take my hand yeah, abandon dump bad in a trophy a trink it
    don’t see i’d know you think it but thats a path run puts
    at that door

    I can’t take it anymore you say who cares
    you dont have to unboard you say as you keep
    hold enough I know the signs the neon is blind in my eyes
    I’m already gone

    One for us grow tall an affection ways life’s grow longer full of flowers
    and candy kates take my hand yeah abandon dumb bad in a bird
    in a cage took put i have my wings flip so wide and ready to soar

    I can’t take it anymore you say who cares
    you dont have to unboard you say as you keep
    hold enough I know the signs the neon is blind in my eyes
    I’m already gone

    Promise to laughter we been ton world apart those days are over and done
    your eyes gets strict while your laughs get laughs its not i know in take
    all the disguise

    I can’t take it anymore you say who cares
    you dont have to unboard you say as you keep
    hold enough I know the signs the neon is blind in my eyes
    I’m already gone

    Gone Gone uhhh I don’t want too Gone Gone You keep hold enough Gone hooh wooh hooh Already Gone

  • Hello guys i put the lyrics but try to correct my lyrics if it get mistakes okay. Hope that it matches the original lyrics.

  • I really think you need to record another amazing ballad. That is where you shine. Raw, you and the piano. The new song is catchy, just gets a little winey in your top register. All righty, off to teach music my students are coming!

  • hey deb,
    i love the song, but totally agree about the vocals.
    they are SO sharp and squeaky.
    the way almost every word in the chorus is twisted makes it very jarring to listen to.
    i would love to hear this song re-recorded with a less harsh vocal.

    i love the direction you are heading in regard to the style / genre of the song though.

  • Here’s what I came up with. There is a cheep, or some blip after the been a bird in a cage part, I left that out.

    The lyrics to “Already Gone” by Deborah Gibson.

    Don’t you know I know that you’re cowardly.
    Cause you’re tryin but you can’t break up with me.
    Tip my hat, yeah, I been there done that.
    Been a trophy, a trinket.
    Don’t see it, I know you think it.
    My bags are packed, one foot’s out the door.

    I can’t take it anymore.
    You said who cares?
    You don’t have to, I’m bored.
    You said, as you keep holdin on.
    I know the signs.
    The neon is blindin my eyes.
    I’m already gone.

    Once your eyes grow dark,
    and affection wings,
    lifes no longer full of flowers and candy canes.
    Tip my hat, yeah I been there done that.
    Been a bird in a cage, but I’ve had my wings clipped.
    So right and ready to soar.


    Gone is the laughter,
    we built our world on.
    All those days are over and done.
    Your eyes they speak,
    while your mouth it lies.
    It’s not Halloween take off your disguise.


    Gone, gone,
    All I’ve ever wanted.
    gone, gone,
    you keep holding on.
    gone, whooa, already gone.

  • One Spooky Bugger on


    I’ve just listened to Already Gone three times in a row.
    I have to say his song (if I may lapse into modern slang for the briefest of moments) ROCKS!

    More of the same, if you please, Ms Gibson!


  • Beautiful song! So go Deborah!

  • M.Y.O.B. now available on itunes! « Deborah Gibson

  • I would like to thank my friend Chris72nc well chris I LOVE YA!!! you have corrected the “Already Gone” lyrics you are a great lyricist wow!. I can remember that iam writing songs and this guy Chris we are talking online and i have talk with that iam writing music. I give the material to him to correct it wow this man is a good arranger. He arrange the lyrics. Well chris if i was a big star now. I have sang that material that we did so that it can be heard. I’ve been writing bunch of stuff lyrics with myself as Deb was my inspirational. Due to lack of music stuff in our city. Talking about instrument lessons no one cares. Unlike in manila in our main capital city they have bunch there that recognizes music. That is why i thank Deb’s Camp Electric Youth. She really cares about persons who have talents. If I was rich enough to join the camp well i love too but iam already 31 years old and well financial is a big issue to join the camp. At least there is Deb now that teaches children to be nortured for aspiring to become a star. I love the way you work Deb. You are so amazing…

  • First, a big THANK YOU to Deborah for making this song available to fans. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are impressive!

    I love the intro and the overall feel and edgy vibe of the song… but… and I hate to say this… but I agree with a couple of earlier comments about the background vocals. I think they detract from the song. The stretch from about :30-:50 (which repeats later) and the repeated “gones” at the end sound so young… too young and bumble-gummy. I don’t think it does justice to Deborah’s awesome voice.

  • Already Gone is great !!! Good job, it’s going straight to my iPod baby !!! Youhoo !!!

  • OK….I also took a stab at transcribing the lyrics…..

    Don’t you know I know that you’re cowardly
    Cause you’re tryin but you can’t break up with me
    Tip my hat, yeah, I’ve been there done that
    Been a trophy, a trinket
    Don’t say it, I know you think it
    My bags are packed, one foot’s out the door
    I can’t take it anymore.

    You say who cares?
    You don’t have to
    I’m bored you say
    As you keep holdin on
    I know the signs
    The neon is blindin my eyes
    I’m already gone

    Once your eyes grow dark and affection wanes
    Life’s no longer full of flowers and candy canes
    Tip my hat, yeah I’ve been there done that
    Been a bird in a cage gypped (?)
    But I ain’t had my wings clipped
    So right and ready to soar


    Gone is the laughter
    We built our world upon
    Those days are over and done
    Your eyes they speak
    While your mouth it lies
    It’s not Halloween
    Take off your disguise


    Gone, gone,
    (NO CLUE on this line)
    Gone, gone
    Though you keep holding on
    Gone, already gone

  • Love the new song and cannot wait until the new cd.
    As a fan of your from the very begging i am so happy that you have never changed who you were asn an artist. Your cd’s are always in my car especially MYOB and Think With Your Heart.
    Cant wait to hear more.

  • Hi Deborah,

    You’re new song is super great.
    I hope it comes out in Holland (please please please)

    It’s swing

    I can’t wait for you’re album

    big hugh

  • Hi Deborah

    First of all ,i do love the new song “already gone”,keep up the good things coming !!!!.
    I do think that your Name deborah is good for any record you want to make in the future,i and maybe many others,am use to it and if you would go back for “debbie” again,it would be confusing !!.
    Beside of that,Deborah is your name and you can use it with proud cause it is a beautiful name i think.
    many greeting and goodluck with all your projects that you are working on and will come up with.

    Hans, from The Netherlands

  • This is where she is today…a bit rock, a bit country, and 100% Deborah! I didn’t know what to expect because we all know Deb’s musical range covers everything. It was a little jarring at first because this is the most “country” I’ve ever heard Deborah sing. But the attitude that comes with the song is perfectly matched with the sound and production. I love the lyrics, they carry some attitude and frustration but still playful. Classic Deborah Gibson songwriting. I agree with most that I do prefer when Deb stays within her range, she can certainly hit the high notes but I prefer the textured lower range more (Losin’ Myself, In Blue, Let’s Run Away). But as Deb as already explained, this song is just for her diehard fans, so let her blow off some steam and belt it out for us without a care in the world. You go, sister.

  • Great Song. Just the right mix of a fresh sound with the nice feel of that unique ‘Deborah-touch’. (I mean, just listen to that bridge.)
    Allthough I’ll allways prefer her ballads (‘Goodbye’ must be the greatest song ever), this one strongly ‘grows on me’. 🙂

    And great video too. Thanks alot for all that beauty in hd.

    Funny that bit with Kelly Clarkson. I was thinking the same thing.
    But then again, ‘Kelly who’? 🙂

    Anyway, I’d love to hear and see more of Deb.

    Tip my hat, yeah!

    technical note:
    The (fan-)download for “Already Gone.mp3” is not 100%.
    It’s only 2:54, but it should be 3:21.
    May someone please fix that?

  • I just love it. I was SO glad to find you so active online. Thanks for offering the song to download and to have a video already to watch. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Thanks for still making great songs.

  • Wandering With Deborah Gibson | The Weekly Wanderer