Children International blog

Hey everyone!

Happy almost 4th!!!

Are you truly free? As in happy in knowing that you will always have all you need and it is nothing anyone can give or take away? I AM!

I promised to write about the amazing Children International sponsorship drive!

The idea came about just as a way to light a little fire under people who may have needed a reminder about how easy and amazing it is to be involved in world events thru a child’s life. We need our future leaders strong and healthy. And especially in places where people are counted out and kept down. Cue the song RISE!

I was thrilled to speak to fans/friends (“fans” sometimes seems too impersonal!) who stepped up and went for it. I’m not going to speak about each individual chat because I consider that private. But an ongoing theme was the respect and normalcy …. Respect for these children, the care that went into choosing the child, the desire to learn more about my ideas for CI in the future…. And the fact that I felt like I was talking to friends who just so happen to have supported my career for many years. All asked intelligent questions, all were thrilled with the legnth of the call (there were no time restrictions) but, everyone appreciated this whole process and energized me and enhanced my week!

I loved hearing personal anecdotes about our shared experiences and heating everyone’s individual reasons for wanting to be involved with CI!

I hope that everyone reading this will continue to explore CI and in the future when I tour I will make sure to include sponsors in meet and greet gatherings so I can personally thank everyone. I of course will greet all wherever possible but I do feel a sense of community among sponsors and would love to commit to this who commit to a child. I know finances are tough so if you cannot sponsor please do what so many have done and continue tweeting and spreading the word! Your time is a gift that is invaluable and I consider you to be part of the Children International family as well!

To think about those faces that were possibly gaunt from malnutrition now filled out and smiling is amazing to me. It’s one at a time but there are so many of us who can take on this challenge!

Thank you so so much and enjoy this holiday week!!!’

Have a safe n fun one 🙂

X Deb
