Deborah Gibson : Princess of pop! on interview

A brand new interview from Canada (it has been translated from French, hence the grammar adjustments below)

6 avril
2009 – by Marc Racine

On this Tuesday March 31, 2009, Touristiquement Gay had the unique chance to interview the Diva Deborah Gibson. In direct of Los Angeles, the place where it’s always shining, Miss Deborah Gibson answered our questions in this exclusive interview and she’s excited to come to Quebec city for this upcomoing concert.

To be up on this stage with those wonderful artist is a unique chance and the concept of the show is simple: All is related on the nostalgia of the 80’s. Rick Astley, Samantha Fox, Tiffany and Deborah Gibson will be on the stage one after the other and they will perform hits after hits. These hits that made vibrate the dance floor of the 80’s and they will be performed in the Colisée Pepsi, friday, April 10th, 2009. With a lot of experience under her belt with musicals on Broadway such as “Les Misérables”, “Grease”, “Funny Girl”, “Beauty and the Beast” to name a few, a lot of costume changing will be made and Deborah Gibson is pleased to do this as she really likes that!

What really surprised this artist is that the producers of the show, Nils Enterntainment, asked Deborah Gibson to sing a song she did not performed since 20 years ago which is “Staying Together”. She had to do her homework to practice and to relearn the song. So for the nostalgic or for the die-hard fans in quest of original stuff, an electric show will be there for the audience and fans will be exhausted at the end of the night as it will be a non-stop party!

Touristiquement Gay had a special request (!!) and Deborah Gibson do not hesitate one minute to answer positively to it: YES, there will be all the choreagraphy and she will perform them as well such on hits as “Electric Youth” and “Shake Your Love”. She knows that the fans are waiting for her to do those choregraphy.

And about the new stuff, some new songs are presently recorded. “Already Gone” is one of them and is accessible on her website to thanks her loyal fans that followed her since the beginning of her career. And if everything went well, there will be a future moment to present her new stuff as well.

Deborah Gibson is travelling around the world to do a lot of concert and her favorite destination is under any doubt the gay cruises that she made until recently: “I love the gay community and my gay fans have been always loyal to me. I did not went back to Québec since so many years (the last time she does, it was in 1989) and fortunatly for me, I will have the chance to have a day-off after the show and I will be able to visit the old capital, which I usually don’t have the time for.”

Speaking of the gay community, Touristiquement Gay has take the opportunity to ask Deborah Gibson if she had some difficulties to please her fans and the gay community in general as sometimes, they can ask a lot from their favorite artist: “As for any show and for every Gay Pride I’ve participated to since the last years, I think that the audience is in right to have a great show. They come and pay to see you. They come to have a great night and they wish to attend to a great party. And on the other hand, they had been always there for me and they did’nt let me down. That’s what I like about the gay community.”

Touristiquement Gay asked some introspective questions in this interview and the answers had been more than interesting. The greatest accomplishment Deborah Gibson had made is to stay sane in this industry that tries to insane yourself! Stay sane is really hard in this weird world: “Yes, it’s really great to have numerous of # 1 hits but that’s not all. Having a family and friends that are there for you and support you is the most important thing. Hang on for your dignity, integrity, to my friendship is to give a sense to your life and that goes beyond all the success.”

Deborah Gibson is with no doubt multi-talented!! Since her prolific Tour for “Pop Goes Broadway” that gather her from New York city to Las Vegas, for her Singapour musical intitled “Superhero Diaries” where she’d interpreted an evil witch and some other shows all around the world, she takes the time to create the “Camp Electric Youth“. An American Idol king of that helps young artist to build a career in singing, musical, dancing and theater.

Deborah’ stating that those kind of camp did not exist until now and this since the 80’s. With her experience, she needed to learn on every steps as no course was available to prepare yourself to an audition or to improve your skills for a casting. Miss Gibson as joined as well the teachers to gives courses on singing and writing. Otherwise, she finds that young people from today is having the wrong message… This one can be translated by: To be successful, you need to be an instant Star and that you need to have some writers behind you to create hits and that is completely wrong.

Recently, in collaboration with her “baby”, Camp Electric Youth, she went to a recording studio to help these young people to participate since the beginning of the recording session of their own songs to the final single. These experiences are giving them the opportunity to progress as an artist and Deborah Gibson is so proud of their work that everytime she’s having the opportunity, she promote their work. This camp allow them to meet other people that talks the same language and that have all the same passion: Arts. This gives them a major self-estime and an open mind on the others: “I feel like I’m a fairy godmother” telling us that with a smile in her voice!

And her future projects in all this? She’s still having her own record company “Golden Egg Records” but her next goal is to find a major record company that will help her to release her new album. A big machine behind her, that help her to propulse herself to the top and the magic will happen. Gibson is stating after all that New Kids on the Block had made it and signed with Universal and the promotion went ell and their career is back on the track. Anything is possible!

Touristiquement Gay wants to thank Deborah Gibson for her kindness and for the time she did gave to us. It has been a real pleasure to have her interviewed, this iconic, Princess of Pop! We wish her all the best to come, that her wishes may come true and that she continues to create and to reinvent herself. We will be waiting with impatience her new album.

For those of you who want to know some more, a lot of information is available on her new relooked website : Her new song intitled “Already Gone” is freely available on her website and it is possible to watch her new videoclip on Youtube.

For the unique concert which Deborah Gibson will give with Rick Astley, Samantha Fox and Tifanny, April 10th, 2009, 8 p.m. at the Colisée Pepsi, you will find more information of this great event on the following website:

click here for the article

and here for the French version.


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