Toledo Free Press: Gibson up for ‘Mega’ sequel

Written by Michael Miller | Editor in Chief |

Deborah Gibson’s three decades as an artist have left an impact obscured by her early success as a teen pop singer. After racking up a string of late-80s hits (including the No. 1 songs “Foolish Beat” and “Lost in Your Eyes,” both of which she wrote), Gibson turned to Broadway, where she has played starring roles in “Grease,” “Funny Girl,” “Beauty and the Beast” and “Cabaret.”

She sponsors performing arts camps for young artists, “Deborah Gibson’s Electric Youth,” has bared all for Playboy and has appeared in such films as “Ghostbusters,” “Coffee Date” and the recently released “Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus.”

Gibson spoke to Toledo Free Press June 4 from Los Angeles while driving to a recording studio.

Toledo Free Press: Because you started so young, you have built a legacy across music, film and theater, and you’re not even 40 yet. How do you assess your career so far?

Deborah Gibson: I recently did a one-woman show, and I noticed the demographics of the audience were from 8 to 80. I’ve played “Beauty and the Beast’s” Belle, posed for Playboy and done everything in between, and every female has all those things in them — little girl, sexy woman — and can relate. When you reach people with original music, you become part of their DNA, part of the soundtrack to their life. Add to that the demands of theater, and I am proud of the fact that I am able to remain so versatile; it keeps me from getting bored. To have the impact on pop culture that “Mega Shark” has had amazes me at this point.

TFP: Are you still writing songs?

DG: I am driving to the studio right now to record song No. 5 for a new album of original material. I’m ready for a Tina Turner-style “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” comeback. I feel empowered to be part of a generation that just gets better as we age, to be part of a culture that understands the value of health and youth and owning who you are.

TFP: So we’ll see you on “American Idol” next year?

DG: Maybe! I love to work with young artists, and I have a series of “Electric Youth” projects to help mentor young people.

TFP: What was your reaction when you saw the script for “Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus?”

DG: The title then was just “Mega,” as they wanted to stay way from the camp, but I’m glad they went the campy route! I was offered the part on New Year’s Eve with two weeks before filming, and I wanted to get my feet wet with this kind of film, pun intended. I don’t over-analyze; I go with what feels right. I thought it would be an under-the-radar project.

TFP: Are you open for a “Mega” sequel? The team in the movie could do an “X-Files” type show..

DG: I’m sure there will be a sequel, and I’d love to do it. It’s too fun to pass up.

TFP: You were 16 when you became a star. Any advice for the Hilary and Haylie Duffs of today?

DG: Haley is actually a friend. I tell them to do what makes them happy; there are too many ups and downs to worry about public perception. I may not be the most exciting person on the red carpet, but at least I am still there, year after year.


There are 0 comments on Toledo Free Press: Gibson up for ‘Mega’ sequel

  • No comment, though she does have the power to decide to take part of any project. Then again, I’m indifferent towards her acting work in theatre and movies (only seen a tv movie and a few sitcom appearances, which were OK).

  • Would be good if there’s a sequel. (only skimmed… though aware that Deb stated hints about a possible sequel)

  • Well Sock Puppet did you see her when she was a guest at that comedy sitcom where she played as a member of an 80’s cover band for the Bangles? Deb did absolutely brilliant and I’m not saying it just bcoz Im a big fan. After seeing that, I thought she could do well in comedy too. Suffice to say, she can be a good actress too. Cheers mate.

  • I actually liked the episode of “That 80’s Show”, which she played a customer that demanded a refund.

    Her appearance on “Rita Rocks” was good, though the show (mainly the sub-plot with the planned dinner date with the couple) wasn’t funny. A bit odd since Nicole Sullivan was one of the best cast members of “Mad TV”.

  • Almost forgot: I didn’t mean that she’s a bad actress since she’s good. It depends on the roles since she was one of the makeover people on “Celeste In The City” rather than the main character and only seen three sitcoms, which isn’t enough to give opinion, IMHO.

    I would rent one of her films, but they’re hard to find and I’m very picky when it comes to movies since I’m not easily impressed (same with music and my hobby: animation).

    As for musical theatre, I actually enjoyed her “Colored Lights” album since it showcased her voice from sensual (“Maybe This Time”, “Let Me Entertain You”) to emotion (“On My Own”, “I’d Rather Leave…”).

    Just saying that I favor her music more.