Blog: Hi!

Hey everyone! Looove the comments about “Already Gone” and appreciate the candor. I actually agree about the high chorus’s. In fact, my sister Michele used to say that about “Who Loves Ya Baby?”. She used to say “why do you have to sing so hiiiigh?”. It’s a weird thing because songs like to live in certain keys. They just sound best in certain keys. Then, I aim to meet the challenge. Yes – my voice thins out a bit on top and the newer tunes I just completed for the next album are indeed a bit lower – or, if they are high, the vocal is meatier. There are personal changes happening within me left and right and, lemme tell ya – I think I just did one of my raw-est vocals. I sang with total abandon and I’m so proud. Can’t wait for you to hear…… So, I’m learning and growing and appreciate the comments because when lots of people concur usually there is something to it!

I also was thinking about the next “pop” album being under the “pop” brand name of “Debbie”. I think it confuses overseas fans to say “Deborah” and may confuse everyone if I go back to “Debbie” but, my position on that would be “Deborah” serves me for artsier records and theater and this gal wants hits and the hitmaker is “Debbie”. I was even thinking about writing a toungue in cheek song about it, like “What’s in a Name?” Or, “Deborah, Debbie, Whatever!!!!”. Sometimes people say “Debbie…..oh, I mean Deborah” and I reply “yeah, both of us are here!” Ha! Lemme know your thoughts on the name!

And, keep the comments comin’…… Can’t wait ’til y’all see the video! Oh, and – one last thing……. There is a certain country music themed TV show (no one mention it by name! Keep it on the down low!) that mayyyy have expressed interest. Thoughts on that too? Since so many of you mentioned the country sound….. Ok – that’s all for now! Hope everyone’s having a great week so far!

And, to Cambell –

Yes! “Win lose or draw” was awesome! And, Grease still lives in my heart and will 4ever. Even funnier was “Run the Risk” where I was dressed in some sort of wolf costume crossing a pond of green slime! That’s what I love about my fellow theater peeps – we don’t take ourselves too seriously : )


There are 77 comments on Blog: Hi!

  • Deb-this song is my new thing! I’m advertising it on myspace-setting aside promoting my book-go figure!

    I don’t think you should do the album name under Debbie.

    Either way, I’ll buy your stuff till the day I die… I mean it from a marketing point-of-view. To people, they see Debbie Gibson as you in your younger days and now they see Deborah as the same sweet person, but matured…I mean, come on the DEBORAH album -now THAT album showed all the amazing stuff you’re capable of. And since then…. you keep blowing me, personally as a fan away every new song you do. I’m glad you wrote this one because it reminds me of my last relationship, just like you said in your post! It’s dead-on. Now, because of this song, the hurting, etc is easier now that I have this song! I’ve got all my friends on myspace listening to it…I’ll promote the hell out of it. Good job! Also, we’ve sent a copy of my book, “Ugly Eliza and the Sunken Ship” to your Camp EY addy. I only did this because my pen name is after you (Gibson) and my dedication in the book states…

    “to pop star Deborah Gibson: wonderful talent, wonderful person”

    you inspired me to write my book.

    And now…”already gone’ is my new jam!

    Good luck with all of it!

  • Wow love ya Deb for the comments at least you have an open minded thoughts of us as a fan iam very happy that the fan base are still strong. Hopefully those others fans that has been backslide will be back. Speaking of the confused names there will be two names to be used in your next “Pop album” for overseas will be “Debbie” and in your country “Deborah” i like the idea of the japan albums that was made before like your 2 albums “Deborah” was name “Moonchild” by the name Debbie & M.Y.O.B name Debbie also in japan version albums but don’t know why philippines didn’t get that japan albums to be released in here maybe of some aspects of record label that isn’t really connected with eachother. I can remember that Janet Jackson change her name to Damitajo and she isn’t heard over here until she get back her name again as Janet Jackson on her new album Discipline then she get recognize but i have seen her previous album the Damitajo they put it now Damitajo Janet. You are really right that people really get confused if artist changes names unless if people are die hard fans they really doesn’t matter what names you are using cause fans will really stick with you. Mostly people now a days whats the hit they gone to it. Like Britney Spears & Madonna here people can’t erase them in the pop scene. I can say i love Britney and madonna but in fact its very unfair in your part that they don’t even recognizes you as pop princess it really feels crap to them but for me i grew up with your songs even i get old you will always be my number 1 and now it is your time to comeback again to shine. Sometimes i admit that i listen to other songs of some artists and collect cd’s but as what you are i completed your albums. You always ROCK DEB!!! I will be checking your video by tomorrow or maybe tonight wow i can’t wait. Hope that MTV will find out your new video. Is that greatttt… Take care Deb. God Bless You Always & More Power.

  • Hey Deb, Debbie, Deborah. I love them all. Do you ever get DEB? I just posted to your last post saying Hi Deb. Sorry if that’s incorrect.

    Also just wanted to know what your doing in NYC and why you aren’t heading home to your Long Island home?

    No need to respond to that if it’s too personal.

    Hope this finds you well from Sydney Australia.

  • Deborah or Debbie I’ll still be a fan and continue to support you either way but personalyl I prefer Deborah and will always call you by that….to be honest I never liked Debbie. As long as the music is good though who the hell cares? Great to see youre updating alot more and focusing on music again. Can’t wait to see the vid!

  • Whatever your name, I’ve been a fan since I was 7 years old, and that won’t change. I see what you’re saying about “Debbie”, but we’ve known you as “Deborah” for longer now! Someone’s gonna have to make an adjustment! 🙂

  • Laura Greenberg on

    Hey Deb,
    Why not just go by “Deb”? Kidding!I think you should stick with Deborah. You kept explaining the name “change” so many times and I think going to “Debbie” looks a little desparate to rekindle the old hits and music. Plus, my kids know you now as Deborah!
    Glad you said that about the high notes of “Already gone”. I don’t love it like I thought. I like it, but too me, it’s not my favorite song. I know you can rock out, “dontcha want me now” but that’s jusy where my musical taste is now too. See you tomorrow in Hauppauge! Got my camera ready! enjoy your day! xoxo

  • Hi Debora,

    i am 34 years old, and I remembered one day of a song , part of it was “I get lost in …. something … ” and I Google the lyrics and found you again,

    I discovered you on You-tube and I was so happy !!!!

    I found this site and I hope you can read this, but you are grate !

    I am so sorry that I cant see more of you – I just entered this site and I will check around to see what you are up to,

    trying to find an answer to my troubling question “what happened to that beautiful talented grate singer that disappeared one day and didn’t leave a trace”

    I want you back – I want to see you – up with all the rest of them – I want you back as a grate star that you are –



  • Well…interesting opinions. This time i write in Spanish.!

    Deborah, a mi me encanta tu nombre, “Deborah Gibson” suena lleno de madurez, pero si la idea es volver al top de las listas, por lo menos, aqui en Chile, deberias entrar como “Debbie Gibson”.

    Hasta el dia de hoy tu musica suena en las radios y aqui en Chile se te quiere y recuerda mucho.

    Cuando a mis amigos y familia muestro alguna cancion nueva tuya, debo decirles…”recuerdan que habia una cantante que se llamaba Debbie Gibson, bien ahora es Deborah Gibson y este es su nuevo single”… y la respuesta es ” oohhh, aun sigue cantando????”… ” Y porque ahora se llama Deborah???”

    Bien, creo que es necesario que en paises que aun te recuerdan, como los de america latina, entrar como Debbie Gibson, ya que no solo estas en la memoria colectiva, si no que tambien personas de mi generacion te asociaran inmediatamente y seguro te ira bien.

    Sobre “Already Gone”, no ha parado de sonar en mi Ipod, Stereo y en Notebook… Es que creo que es un TREMENDO SINGLE, que esta listo para competir en las listas de musica. Sobre las notas altas, claro, son nuevas, pero debemos recordas que en canciones como “The One” y “Losing Myself”, esas notas tambien existen. Creo que la novedad ahora es que esas notas estan acompañadas de sonidos mas roqueros, lo cual lo hace mas novedoso.

    Miles de besos Para TI


  • I would use Deborah!!!!!

  • Why don’t you do a Hannah Montana thingy?

    One side of the album is Debbie Gibson, flip it over and Bam! Deborah!

    (i’m just kidding, but isnt it funny?)

  • First, thanks a ton for the new song. I love the rockin’ sound of this tune and “Naked” and hope to hear more songs like these on the new disc. But whatever the case may be, we’ll all be elated to have a new album from you!

    Regarding Debbie vs. Deborah, I agree wholeheartedly with what Laura said. You’ve spent so long explaining the name change that reverting to Debbie will, frankly, seem like an attempt to reclaim the spotlight. And speaking as a marketing guy, consistency is best for branding. The next time you’re in a theater production, people won’t have to wonder if the Deborah Gibson starring in the show is the same as Debbie Gibson who has a new album out, and vice-versa. Plus, as you’ve said, Deborah is who you are, and it’s the name you’re most comfortable with. Own it, girl! 🙂

  • Regarding songs wanting to be in a certain key — I have fairly decent pitch memory which falls short of perfect pitch – 85% of the time I hear songs in the keys in which I originally heard them. However, I can’t always sing particular notes on demand with 100% accuracy or recognize the key of a piece with 100% accuracy.

    I know that you have perfect pitch, and that many of the people that I know with perfect pitch have even more of a tendency to hear certain “colors” in the various keys and be very bothered if a song is transposed to another key. I have to wonder….can you even use a transpose button on a keyboard without feeling like you are going nuts? I would think it would have to be a bit painful to hit a transpose button on a keyboard and push a C and hear a Bb if you had perfect pitch, or to have to play something on a piano that was a quarter tone flat! Ouch! 😛 And, I can see where it could be problematic to write a song in a certain key and then decide to change it to another key while your brain is still hearing it in its original key.

    Can’t wait for the video!!! WooHoo!!!

  • I’m inclined to say stick with “Deborah” but what do I know? If it means getting back on top then call yourself “Debbie” or “Fred” for that matter 😉

  • I vote to remain yourself Deborah. I recall back during all the name change period thinking, she should release a song, totally visualized the video. lol “Don’t Call Me Debbie”… I saw you in NYC, bustling city life, and getting in a cab, with fans wanting autographs etc, singing the song… Kind of ala Janet “Nasty Boys”… It’s Deborah, Miss. Gibson if you’re nasty… 😛 Anyway, I believe your fans outside the US do relate to you as Debbie, the language barrier may or may not have to do with that, but in that case you could “remain” Debbie. Otherwise to return to Debbie I agree could be confusing to US fans, and likely alot of people will jump on the she’s grasping for loose straws bandwagon, you can already see starting here… Who knows though, maybe that is what radio wants? There is lots to consider. I will however support whatever your choice will be 110%.

  • I would continue to use Deborah. That is who you are. I think that you once said that “Debbie” was an industry created persona.

    I think that I know which Country themed show you were referring to. I always thought that you would do well and have fun on that show. Just don’t become a Reality Whore! LOL

    Speaking of Country, the pic for Already Gone reminds me of Jewel for some reason.

  • Regarding the name thing……I vote for changing your name to some unpronounceable symbol like Prince did! That would be bizarre enough to overshadow the whole Debbie/Deborah dilemma and make it a moot point. It would also give some of your more formulaic interviewers something new and equally banal to ask you about for at least the next decade! 😉 *tongue firmly in cheek*

  • Hi Deborah, This is awesome! We, your fans, get to interact with you online, and you’re listening and responding! You are the best star, musician, performer, and person–I love you! I too agree that “Already Gone” is a new sound for you, a more edged-out rock sound! Kudos to that! Although we would love to hear a million versions of “Lost in Your Eyes” or “What You Want”, artists do grow and try to challenge themselves and I love that as well. We love new stuff and new sounds and changes, some that work well, and sometimes those that aren’t as successful. “Alread Gone” has a great new sound, I don’t need to rehash any of the “notes were too high” comments, but I also felt the same about them in all honesty. I love, LOVE, love your low, breathy register as heard on “Losin’ Myself”, and a few tracks off of “Colored Lights”, etc. Your vocals, range, interpretation, never cease to amaze me. I too also loved your vocals on “Feels So Right” off of Memory Lane 1. Anyway, regarding the “Deborah, Debbie” thing, I totally hear what you’re saying. “Debbie” = hits, “Deborah” = artistry, doing it your way. I say you can have both and still call yourself by your real name! In the vibe of “Debbie”, go “all out” as “Debbie”, but unapologetically be Deborah, because that’s who you are. If Debbie is what works internationally, then good, but here in the U.S. and maybe UK, people have or are getting used to Deborah, and it would confuse people and your “brand” (I work in PR and communications!) to go back to Debbie on a professional note. Imagine the headlines already (and Perez will certainly go there as he has done before!) “Debbie goes Deborah and now back to Debbie: Who’s that Girl? Oops, wait, that’s Madonna”. So I say, stick with Deborah. You know the Christina Aguilera track, “Still Dirrty” off of her fabulous “Back To Basics” album? I envision it as a little bit of “Still Debbie”, as you put it, “… all of us are here, Debbie, Deborah …”. Not equating “dirrty” with “Debbie” or anything, but it just seeks to unify it all, you know. I am Debbie, I am Deborah. “I’ve still got the Debbie in me, still got Only in My Dreams, (still gotta it), And if you want some more Debbie, well, Deborah is gonna bring it (bring it)!” Dawn, I love your creativity, but Deborah is not facing any legal issues with her namesake (Like Prince at the time), so a symbol, though creative, would just add more confusion. Her name is Deborah Gibson.

  • I think going back to Debbie is a GREAT idea. Great for a marketing campaign for the album..”Debbie’s Back”.

    Here in the UK no-one ever knows who I’m talking about when I say Deborah Gibson( the last album released here was Body Mind Soul).

    I also think a song that samples Shake Your Love would be a winner. Kind of like Eminems “Like Toy Soldiers”. Get a rapper in, you sing the bridge/chorus, and sample a “Debbie Gibson Classic”.

    One more time, I LOVE “Already Gone”, really dont think it goes too high, but I don’t think WLYB went too high either!

  • Deborah or just Deb

    Don’t mind ‘Debbie’, though I tend to associate it with Deborah Gibson’s early career.

  • M.Y.O.B. now available on itunes! « Deborah Gibson

  • Not a fan of country music, but would definately give it a chance. I look at it as more pop-rock, though I’m aware of crossovers like Taylor Swift and Faith Hill.

  • About the Hannah Montana thing, Brian….that’s too funny! You totally crack me up!

    DGFan, I was totally joking about the symbol thing. I have a rather warped sense of humor sometimes 😉

    I just listened to “Maybe This Time” on Colored Lights a little bit ago….brilliant vocals! As far as pop songs go, I agree that the vocals in “Losin’ Myself” are superb. I actually think the song was a bit before its time. Had the timing been right, it could have been a huge hit in my opinion. I think everything about the song is just right….melody, lyrics, vocals, production. In 2009, it sounds just as relevant as it did back when it was first released. Great song! OK….I’m rambling!

  • DG Fan > 100% agree with you about Losin Myself.
    Everything was right about that tune, even the AMAZING video. I really think it should’ve been given a shot in the UK.

  • Wiliam Sharpless on

    As a long-standing “Deb Head”, I was a totally giddy 34 year old kid when I started listening to “Already Gone”. I love it, which is no surprise. Thinking about what you said about the Debbie vs. Deborah… I think going back to “Debbie” is a great idea. You are a large part of American and International Pop-Culture as Debbie, and the name Debbie Gibson goes together so well with songs that were the soundtrack to our lives. Your fans love you no matter what you call yourself, so I think from a marketing and promotional tand-point, it is brilliant to go back to using the “Debbie Gibson” brand name. I am so geeked over the idea of a new pop release! You have been an inspiration as an artist and songwriter to me personally. I remember sitting way in the back for both the OOTB & EY concerts at the AJ Pulumbo Center here in Pittsburgh, and I just knew, even if it was only as a hobby, that I wanted to write music and perform. You are an amazing person and role model that has always remained true to yourself and to your fans! We love you Debbie! Best in Success for the up and coming endevours!

  • The more I listen to Already Gone, the more I have to disagee about the high pitch thing. It is High, but I think it adds to the emotion, and urgency of the song. Def not too high for me. A slice of perfect pop!

  • i love how interactive this site has become. its so awesome that you are using this to connect directly with your fans, who, by the way, all now know you as deborah. and trust me–we correct anyone in our path who refers to you otherwise. 😉

    having said that, i think the transition back to debbie might just work. if you look at it strictly from a marketing standpoint, most of the world DOES know you as debbie, and the subtle difference back to the original stage name, might just be enough to spark the interest of radio programmers, etc. who are familiar with the “old” name.

    either way, we fans want to make sure the next album is a success. whatever we can do to help! cant wait!! =)

  • Agree. Perfect pop perfection

    Listening to the song many times. Deb is always reinventing herself like the more famous Madonna. (won’t diss Maddy…Madonna not Ashley Tisdale… since I don’t want to offend)

  • (and btw, i think the general consensus among the fans is that the next album should feature a 2009 version of losin’ myself. 😉

  • Hai deb..i’m from malaysia..i still remember u come to malaysia around 1990-1992 .i love u and really love u the first time i hear u song 1988 untill now..u the best for me..and nothing gonne change my love for u my love.u still number one in my heart forever and ever..21 years i wait to see and kiss u..but still dispoint….no problem kiss u in my dream..bye..i hope someday..thank

  • Hi Deb,

    Definitely don’t think you should go back to Debbie. You’ve spent so many years talking about how it never felt like the real you and so I think it would come across as a cheap marketing trick. Even as a popstar I’m sure you want to keep people’s respect and it’s not possible to do that if you’re not being true to yourself.

    Looking forward to hearing more new stuff. It’s been too long!

  • Hey

    What can I say I am overwhelmed for Deb to have mentioned myself in her message.So cool!!!! This feeling takes me back to the time I met Deb after Grease in London in 93. I was the one with all the cd covers and Deb signed everyone of them and all the Grease Show books. I need to add that photo!!!

    I think go back to Debbie. So many more countries ie The UK,Spain,Italy and ,Australia and the rest of Europe know Debbie Gibson. The end of the day its a stage name but one that most recognise outside the states as the star.

    On another note Losing Myself would have been massive in the UK but at the time so much focus was on Grease and at the time the single Your the One that I want. I really do feel that at the time the record company should have promoted more espcially in the very lucritive UK. When Shock you Mama was released it got to just below the top 40 but needed the extra push with radio and tv which it never got. Losing myself would still have the potential to HIt today especially with the video as it is still a very current sound

    Anyway those days are gone its a new decade, new music, a stronger Deb so just need the stars to allign which they will with all of our positvity


  • Hi Deb, I am your biggest fan. Above them all (ha ha). That’s why I would completely agree to revert back to “Debbie” for this GRAND comeback. (I have opened this topic (!) ). We will always love you be it Debbie or Deborah but for familiarity sake of once a pop icon and for a TRUE COMEBACK album, returning to ‘Debbie Gibson’ will generate exciting news. I think that changing back to “Debbie” will gain a good press coverage especially to promote a new album. If they would say “why is she changing her name again?” or sort of a negative feedback this would STILL be a media coverage to get the new album promoted. And people will get to talking. Of course above all this new material will decide on its own merit, and I don’t think you will have a problem dealing with the press why are you changing your name again. A simple explanation can do and leave it at that. I’m not feeling “Already Gone” to be honest. There must be a sweeter pop tune you have there for whatever is the first single to be released. Hard to tell which can be a radio hit. But I thought that “Down That Road” was the strongest song in MYOB and that should’ve been release as the first single despite being a slow R n B (so what if your comeback single was a slow song, then release a funky tune after that). We’ve embraced Deborah because we will always be your loyal fans but my guess is, even if I’m not a resident in the US, majority of Americans would know you there by Debbie Gibson and matter of fact worldwide. It’s an established pop icon name plus “Debbie Gibson” is a sweet-sounding recording artist’s name (give Deborah to Deborah Harry (!). I’ll be more than glad to help to suggest which would be the first single for this new studio album if you do need my help or my opinion. Cheers to us all and Debbie, Deborah Gibson is a truest entertainer and will always be a musical genius.

  • If you’re gonna go as Debbie, you have only two choices:

    1. Remove 10 to 20 years from your official age and get a ‘Death Becomes Her’ makeover

    2. Become Debbie Reynolds

    I don’t think either are a great idea….

    (no disrespect to Leia’s mum, of course!)


    [the most insightful part of the comments is how many fans work in marketing. I run the global advertising for a very well known, household-name company. What if we all banded together….?],

  • Well i love all what the comments here. If we agreed for marketing value and get sales it will be “Debbie Gibson” cause people will say wow! Debbie Gibson has a comeback album. Many Dj’s plays your previous songs like “Foolish Beat”, “Lost In Your Eyes”, “Only In My Dreams”, “Shake Your Love”, “Electric Youth” what name did they call it is Debbie Gibson there is no Deborah get mention. Even in music video’s here. I have always seen your previous song video’s they reffered it as Debbie. Deborah Gibson was once introduce in public. I can remember the Peabo Bryson album Unconditional Love the duet “Light The World” it was once released here in our country Philippines. No one ever know who was Deborah was until “Say Goodbye” with Jordan Knight nobody knows who is Deborah even it get airplay in radio stations here but the name was reffered to Debbie gibson. Many kids and new teenager love your previous songs those ballads and they have it in there head that Debbie Gibson sang that song. In fact people cares the big name. Even me when i was buying your album like those OOTB, EY, AIP, BMS. I really get confused who was Deborah i thought she is your sister and composer. Until i find you. It was you. I can remember once you have done playboy your name was Debbie Gibson there so many get browse on the internet that Debbie Gibson did playboy. People didn’t even mention “Deborah” get playboy. I agree also that many people in the USA get confused cause i have seen you were interviewed once. I get laugh cause a reporter said that you sing “I think your alone now” and you made elaborate it was “Tiffany”. Well Deb we fans are just suggesting but if you want to get a major comeback stick with Debbie Gibson. All i can say is i appreciate your decision as for me being a fan.

  • A “Debbie” album. Just like, or much better than, “Deborah.” I dont think thats possible though. Deborah album was a classic! Actually, a tie with Anything is possible.

  • Deborah,
    Hey there! I love the new song!
    I think there was such a transition from Debbie to Deborah from the “Think w/ your heart” to the “Deborah” album, in the song writing, the music, the vocals, that you saw a more mature Debbie grow into Deborah. So, I don’t think you should change back to Debbie. You have worked hard to keep your name known, and I know you haven’t had it easy. But you have done it so far. We have grown to love and respect you as a proformer, singer, and song writer. So, in my opinion, you should stay w/ Deborah.

    I love you! Always will! You rock! Can’t wait for the new album!


  • Matthew Levine on

    Hi Deb

    “Already Gone” sounds too youthful, too bubble gum pop. The beginning reminds me of the nursery rhyme, A-tisket a-tasket, A green and yellow basket, I wrote a letter to my love, And on the way I dropped it, I dropped it, I dropped it… I think “Already Gone” is a bit too sing-songy.

    I feel you should either continue to go by the name Deborah or even just Deb, but not Debbie. You are a mature 38-year-old. Debbie is a cutsie little girl’s name.

    On twitter, you wrote that you wrote some songs on the airplane. Didn’t you write “Foolish Beat” in an airplane bathroom? Perhaps, you have another #1 hit on your hands.


  • Hmmm…The fact that you are considering changing it back to Debbie Gibson is telling us something.

    I would say…go with Debbie Gibson!!! EVERYONE knows Debbie Gibson is the gal with all those hit singles,

    and breaking records with Foolish Beat.

    When I call you as Deborah Gibson to friends, 90% of them don’t know who this person is. Then when I mention Debbie Gibson, they go, OH YEAH!!!

    As for a comeback, I can hear radio djs go, and DEBBIE GIBSON is BACK with a brand new hit! I can’t see them saying Deborah Gibson is back with a brand new hit because Deborah Gibson never had a hit. Whereas Debbie Gibson HAD HITS!

    100% go with Debbie Gibson!!! EVERYONE knows who DEBBIE GIBSON is and I would be proud to call you Debbie Gibson again 😀

    Plus it would make sense that a headline would read: “Debbie Gibson’s Comeback” rather than “Deborah Gibson’s Comeback”.

  • Matthew Levine on

    I think someone’s in love. LOL!

    I also agree about the high notes and the guitars being too loud.

  • Losin’ Myself 2009..what a BRILLIANT! Idea.

  • I vote for Debbie. I have been a fan forever, I take it back to the OOTB club days, and over the years I have realized that people have no clue who Deborah Gibson is but once you say Debbie Gibson they perk right up and start reminiscing about the 80’s.

    I love the idea of the upcoming show with Tiffany and would really like to see more of those concerts, especially with the economy the way it is, bundled/themed shows is totally the way to go. While we are on the subject of shows, Deborah, why are you not on tour with the New Kids on the Block?! I’m sure that a few phone calls could get that going. There are rumors floating around that they are going to have a summer tour this year, hint hint!

    And speaking of touring/traveling, how is that I spend most of my adult life in Austin, Tx and never, ever hear of a Deb event in the Lone Star state – but the MINUTE I move to Florida whammo – there is an upcoming event?! Unbelievable! Ha ha, you are just going to have to make it an annual thing, if you do go back to Texas next year, don’t make plans for dinner, I’d love to take the group of ya’ll out for some tex-mex after the show!

    Ok, now back to what I originally wanted to write about. I’m glad folks on this site addressed the particular high pitch of the vocals on Already Gone. If I could have been producer for the day, I would have taken them down a bit. The vocals are just wayyyy toooooo high for radio right now. I LOVE the guitar throughout the song. I also like the intensity of some of the vocal layers but some of the vocal tracks sound like they were copied and pasted back over each other to make them fuller. Its just not very creative and not very interesting to the listener. So much can be done with programs like Melodyne. Granted vocals with processed elements aren’t as clean as the Already Gone vocals but that they are the sound that is allllll over the radio now a days. I would really push a new vocal for this song. Its the sound needed to get her back in the game. Processed vocals are to this generation what the saxophone was to the 80’s generation (just think Careless Whisper and Foolish Beat) I mean seriously, if AutoTune and Melodyne can bring Cher and The New Kids back to life I’m sure they can revive Deb’s radio life.

    Long story short, I think if that song was re-recorded with lower vocals and some woman scorned type lyric it might make it on to top 40.. change up the tone of the song, make it a girl power anthem song. Rewrite it from the eyes of Rihanna in the hours following the alleged attack or give the dude some character flaw like he cheated on her.

    Anyway that’s my two cents..

  • Or……..

    Now that Deborah has exchanged telephone numbers with Kanyne West a New updated version of Losin Myself or Free me with him. 🙂

    Now that would be cool


  • Hey Deborah 🙂
    Thanks so much for asking what our opinion is on the matter. I think you should stick with Deborah. My opinion is that ‘Debbie Gibson’ is an icon of 80’s pop culture and should remain there. I know Debbie was a hitmaker back then but could Debbie really make a difference in 2009? Also what would you tell the media after you told them that the real name change was in 1986? I’m scared of the negative impact it would have on your project. I also feel that eventually, in 5, 10, 15 years I don’t know, you would want to bring Debbie back to rest. Hey I’m not an expert in marketing but we all are aware of what the media can do with people’s opinions.
    Debbie Gibson had her 15 minutes of fame back in the days, now I think you should give Deborah Gibson the recognition she deserves and her rightful place in history !!!

  • Ok last few details I have to tell. Say we’re in 2012 and I’m a Broadway producer, we’re speculating here, say in 2010, you got two number one hit singles. Well to headline my show, I wouldn’t want Deborah, I’d want Debbie! You could be stuck with Debbie for much longer than you wish for.
    Also you sure have a few good markets, UK, Japan, my homeland Canada, etc. But your big market is USA. So I wouldn’t worry about the confusion overseas ’cause if you hit it big in the USA, the other markets will follow. Now as far as Asian countries goes (Japan comes to mind), I’m not able to tell you as I don’t know enough about those cultures.

  • I agree on the high notes in the new song. While I’m not a musician, I’ve taken enough theory to know that sometimes there’s a science to it and it just happens that way. If there’s a way to do the chorus lower, I think it would help nail it down. The song starts with a solid intro and you definitely had me through the first verse but about three quarters of the way through, I felt a little lost. All in all, I think it’s a nice upbeat song. Considering the topic you described earlier, I somewhat expected a ballad. It was a nice surprise. (And yes, we have all been there. 😉 )

    With regards to the name change…or, releasing this one under “Debbie” instead of “Deborah,” I have two contradicting thoughts. The first is that, yes, from a marketing standpoint and for ease, it probably would work to your favor to do that. (Especially with all the attention that’s been shined on the 80’s as of late.) It may also be more familiar to your international crowd…or just for, say, some Americans who’ve been under a rock for the past decade and a half and don’t realize you’re still at it. So, in that case, I agree with you on releasing the album under “Debbie.”

    The contradicting part of that theory (and I’m really not sure you worry so much about this factor) is that releasing another pop album as “Debbie” rather than “Deborah” may open you up to some criticism. Prince’s flipping back and forth between names is still a popular joke that doesn’t seem to get old–but at least they’re talking, right? That said, it worked for John Cougar Mellancamp (I spelled his name wrong)…and so, yes, a classy tongue in cheek thing to counter the jokes is to joke about it yourself in advanace OR simply ignore it. After all, you (and we) know who you are either way. And your name really has very little to do with the music or the caliber performer you are.

    And some people will criticize anyone for anything.

    As for the show…(I’m not sure which show you are talking about as I do not watch television)–I can’t see how it would hurt you. The new song could fair well in the country genre, especially considering some “country” artists nowadays are more “Bon Jovi” than “Hank Williams.” I say, if they want to use it, let them. I don’t think any of your current fans would take issue and it may open up for other opportunities. So why not?

    Also, I liked the A & E tidbit. It was nice to hear you talk about being Eponine and your break into the theatre world. When you were in it, Les Mis was the first B’way show I ever saw. I was 14 then and now (though I no longer live in NY) I catch shows whenever I can. So, you created a monster and thanks. Seriously.

    Finally, I appreciate you taking the time to ask for feedback and to carry on a dialogue with us. I think I can speak for everyone here when I say you deserve all the success in the world. I’m curious to hear the “raw” vocals, too, and I’m excited for the new album in general.

    Hope you are having a good time in New York.

  • Oooh, Campbell, I like your comment. “Losin’ Myself” with Kayne would be seriously badass.

  • Deborah or Debbie? Nobody knows how to market herself as you do. I would say go with your instict. Defenetly Debbie Gibson is the most well known internationally and most remembered in your recoding carrer and Deborah is better known as your theater career. What ever you decide, your fans will support you in essence Deborah, Deb or Debbie is your voice and music that we love

  • You really should consider doing the country themed show. I have watched it before and it was funny. Country could be a great fit for you. You could call yourself Ursula and I’d still want to hear your music. Go with your gut. That is what I always do in my classroom, and it pays off every time.

    I enjoyed your 80’s hits, but the album I have found to be my favorite is M.Y.O.B. I am glad to hear you are working on a few new projects. Congrats to you.

    Your duet with Jordan Knight was also a lot of fun, so perhaps you should team up with someone else for another hot duet. With that said, I have always thought you should sign on to Madonna’s record label and do a duet with her!

  • Hi Deb I think you should have really never changed it in the first place I say if it isn’t broken then don’t try to fix it. Go back too Debbie Gibson. Like you said save Deborah for the theater world. I like the song it’s thanks to you I am finally able to get Give You Hell by all American Rejects out of my head. Now already gone is in it’s place.

  • You are who you have always deeply felt in your heart- and that is “Deborah”. You don’t need to change….

    Didn’t Elton John do an album called “Reg Strikes Back”??? Perhaps it might be an idea to continue to present “Deborah Gibson” as your name on the next album, but find some title that uses “Debbie” within it.

    “Straight Out of Debbie’s Songbook….” ????????